Our Ministries
The Yeppoon Wesleyan Methodist Church has ministries to suit all ages. Our purpose as a church is to reach people for Christ through Outreach, Worship, Discipleship & Service and develop them into fully committed followers of Jesus Christ. We apply this purpose through out all our ministries and would love to have you join us.
If you would like any more information about each of the ministries listed here please contact us using the form on the “Our Church” page. Don’t forget to regularly check our calendar for upcoming events and ministry opportunities.

Social Media Savvy?
To keep up to date with all the latest on our ministries head over to our Facebook Page.
From there you can share what’s happening in our church with your friends and invite them to our next event.
Visit our Facebook page.
Children’s Ministry
Our Sunday school lessons are vibrant, energetic and age appropriate. We believe in teaching our children about Jesus, the Bible and how that can impact their daily lives. Each lesson is tailored to the age of the children in the class and taught to their level of understanding. Children learn in so many different ways. Each child is unique so our lessons are written to help children learn in the way that suits them best. To do this we have split our Sunday school into Junior (little bumble bee’s) and Senior (Sunday School). One of our Sunday school teachers writes the lessons on a weekly basis, so they can be specifically tailored to meet the needs of the class. Our games, crafts and activities are themed to reinforce what is being taught. Everything done has a purpose and your child isn’t simply going to be entertained for an hour.
Come and sign your children in at 10:15am and enjoy the service, knowing your children are being well looked after. For more information contact the office using our contact page.
One-Eighty Kids is our Friday afternoon Children’s ministry! We have a team of leaders who are there to ensure that every child has the opportunity to exerpeince Jesus in an exciting and new way from afternoon tea, action and practical lessons, action songs to a wide range of activities. Friday afternoons are a great opportunity for kids to make friends, explore faith and build character.
Sunday School
10:15 AM Sunday Mornings
During the School Term
One-Eighty Kids
3:30PM Friday Afternoons
During the School Term
Sunday School JNR– Kindy – Grade 1
Sunday School – Grade 2 to Grade 6
One-Eighty Kids – Prep to Grade 6
(Please ensure all young children are toilet trained)
Warren Brown
Sunday School Director
One Eighty Youth
One-Eighty-Youth is a place where youth can come and enjoy games and a devotion with their friends and meet new like minded students their age. Our focus is to build on the Sunday school principles and continue to mature their relationship with Jesus Christ. We encourage students and give many opportunities for them to get involved in the church and its ministries.
We have a team of leaders who meet and plan the different events throughout the year. Each one of us have a passion for the youth and to see them reach their goals. We want to help the youth become the people that God created them to be one step at a time.
Friday nights are our nights of games and devotions. Come prepared for anything from scavenger hunts, messy games to movie nights and team games. Friday nights are always a tonne of fun!
We also meet on Sunday mornings where we invest deeper in the youth, have discussions and some games.
Throughout the year one-eighty-youth have camps and take part in fundraising and service projects.
To find out more about our Youth Ministry please contact our Family Ministries Director using our contact page.
6:30PM to 8:30PM Each Friday
During the School Term
Grades 7 – 12
High School

Rev Jazmine McClintock
Youth Group Director & Assistant Pastor
Men’s Ministry
In today’s society it is often hard for a man to carry out the calling God gives us to be Christ like and the leaders in our homes as husbands, dads and sons, as well as to be as Christ to our mates and work colleagues. Our Men’s ministry purpose is to support and encourage men to reach their full potential in Christ through studies, support networks, service and outreach.
1 Timothy 6:11 but you men of God flee from all this ‘evil’ and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness.
Watch this space.
Listen in to weekly announcements to see where men’s Pit Stop (coffee morning) is and other events throughout the year.
Men 18+

Rev Ron McClintock
Men’s Ministry Director
Women’s Ministry
Because women are unique and think differently to men (most men would agree), events are organised to provide an environment where all women in all stages of life and faith, feel loved by others and primarily by God. We want to make anyone feel welcome at any event.
Bible studies and events taking place throughou tthe year.
Various Events
Check calendar for upcoming Womens events
Girls & Ladies Only
Ages vary based on event
Vacant position
Women’s Ministry Director
S.A.L.T Ministry
To reach the mature age people for Christ through outreach, worship, discipleship, service and develop them into fully committed followers of Christ.
If you’re 60 years and over, young at heart, and you’re looking for some fellowship and something fun to do then come along and join us on the first Wednesday of every month.
We are never too old to:
Provide fellowship and support opportunities for over 60’s.
Loving the lonely and marginalized by the aging process.
Empowering over 60’s to utilize their God given gifts.
Assisting over 60’s to participate in life events regardless of physical deterioration.
Serving the church family according to duties of the aged set out in God’s Word.
Evangelizing the over 60’s through service, visitation and inclusion.
God doesn’t write us off.
2nd Wednesday each Month – Event/Activity
Thursday each Week– Bible Study
Anyone over 60 is welcome at a S.A.L.T event.
Carolyn Hutley
S.A.L.T Ministry Director